Wise men say, we all should be more focus on and be grateful for what we have rather than what we don't have. I would say that that much is true, under the so called normal circumstances. Sometimes, at some point in our life, we are just not that "normal". Sometimes we feel so fed up and life is being too harsh, throwing not only a lemon but TONS of it; upsized. And maybe those tons of giant lemon are thrown right into our eyes so we can't see what we have anymore. That's true, sometimes we are just so fcuked up that we are actually in that kind of situation.
Maybe we need to change our mind a bit. Maybe this sound a bit evil-ish, but try to see others' problems. Everybody, as long as they're human (and alive) got their own problem, right? Maybe we should start to compare how their life could be a lot messier than ours and be grateful because we are NOT in their situation (and people say comparing is not good huh?)
I know, it sounds so mean (I don't suggest you to do it out loud anyway), but hey... that may heal our eyes (remember the giant lemons I told you earlier) and start seeing what we have and focus on that and be grateful for that. Probably we all just should start shouting to one and another "Whoa your problem is way BIGGER than mine!" (what did I say?)
And being compared isn't too bad either. I mean, it could be one nice thing we can do for others. It's just like saying to them "So you think your life's a mess? Come here, take a look at mine!" and start blabbering about our problems that they don't have. And make them say "Ah, it feels great that I'm not you". Making others happy is happiness, right? But, don't we forget to get back on track (by track: listing out others' problems that we DON'T have) or else we'll get depressed later on.
Oh yes, reality is overrated, my friends. We are not living those ideal wisdom-and-great-quote kind of life. At least, not always...