Have you ever noticed that many many times we say things implicitly? It's like when your mother tells you that the dinner is ready and you answer "I'm not hungry". It's like when your friends ask you to hang out together and you say that you've got lots of work to do. Well, they seem not to be connected to each other right? But they make a meaningful conversation though.
Sometimes saying things implicitly is good, especially when it will sound so harsh if you say it explicitly right away. Yeah, I said "sometimes", so it implicitly means that another "sometimes" is the opposite. It can lead you into trouble, either it's you who say things implicitly or it's you who try to figure out the implicit meaning from a discourse.
First of all, my friends, it will lead you into trouble if people don't really get what you really mean. You know what I mean. Saying things implicitly sometimes leads to an unexpected response because people don't get what you want to say because you say it implicitly. For example, you say "oh yeah I love Justin Bieber" to your friend who has a great admiration towards the Bieber's boy while you yourself just want to be cynical. If your friend don't get what you mean, you'll end up sitting listening to them blabbering about the Bieber's boy. And the voice will stay on your head for weeks that you can hardly hear your own voice. It's all because you were being implicitly cynical. It's fun to do as long as people get it, I'm telling you.
Second of all, if you, yes you, are the one who try to figure out implicit things from almost every discourse then you'll get screwed up. Well, unless you do it for your linguistic research paper. Although you're probably right, you're just screwed up. One example. A friend of mine, let's call her Unknown, does too much analysis towards his boyfriend's sayings. It's like every single line means something.. implicitly. And if her boyfriend tells her that he really does not mean it that way, she won't easily buy it. Chances are her boyfriend does not mean it consciously, but deep inside his subconscious mind, he does mean it. Although she's probably right and most of time she just exaggerates it and overreacts, it leads to something not good. Most of the time is in form of a pointless debate that may reduce her to tears. Well, told you, it's one of my friends' story; not mine.
Yeah, my friends. World is full of many implicit things. It's just, not everything is implicit.
And you may intend to say things implicitly, but if people don't get that you're trying to say things implicitly, what's the point? Although you're not trying to say things directly because you're trying to say it implicitly, but if people still don't get the real meaning, you fail of saying things implicitly. Because it's called implicit if you say it implicitly and people can get it.
Getting confused? I'm outta here.

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