Have you ever compared yourself with others; your sisters, your brothers, your friends, your bestfriends, or even your best enemies. Have you?
Or.. do you? Do I?
And when I realize, I've already made myself move around them. There. I'm the moon and they're my earth. That's genuinely miserable. But I keep doing that. And unconsciously I keep looking down on myself. And I can't help it.
Either I'll lose my way or I'll try hard to find someone else's way - not mine. I'm telling you, both are pathetic.
What is the point of trying hard to be better than others? It's like I'm trying to be a better them. I'm better; but I'm not me. I'm becoming a good, a better, and the best version of someone else. That's when my heart starts screaming "hey, can I talk to me, myself?"
Life is a competition and sometimes I define it as competing with others. I'm only slowly turning myself into an idiot. There's no winner nor loser. Only idiots.
Truth is I can compare myself with nobody but me. And yeah, that's the most important yet challenging thing in life: to be the best version of myself.
Have you compared yourself with yourself?
Have you?

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