I'm kinda stressed now. Actually I don't know whether using the word "stressed" will exaggerate the whole thing, but yeah, I'm in such a dilemmatic condition where I have to pick. And this is about which subject I should take for the whole semester. Means that it has something to do with the whole semester; my whole life in that semester. I've asked many people for their advice. But I realize one thing, in the end, nobody but me who decides.
There. In life, we'll find many things that will place us in a dilemma. We'll need some advice from others especially those who really understand the situation and have experience with it. But then, in the end, we have to make our personal decision.
And the best thing of it is that decision will affect nobody but ourselves. Either good or bad the result is, either hard or 'easy' (though nothing's in life is 'easy'), it's us who will live it; who feel and actually do it.
In the end, you decide.
Or you decide to be decided by others.
But do you really want others to decide it for you, while it won't affect them but you?

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