Love is an ugly, terrible business practiced by fools. It'll trample your heart and leave you bleeding on the floor. And what does it really get you in the end? Nothing but a few incredible memories that you can't ever shake. The truth is, there's gonna be other girls out there. I mean, I hope. But I'm never gonna get another first love. That one is always gonna be her.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
From the "Little Manhattan"
Sunday, May 1, 2011
This is it.
This is a story of a fictitious arrivederci.
This is a script of a giant leap,
to the last wine I wish I sipped.
I am a free little bird
in a gigantic cage.
I am a lovely little dirt
of your golden page.
This is my enormous sea
of your small glass of water.
Where I run and flee
before turning into an ember.
This is an essay of a false independence day.
This is a story of a fictitious arrivederci.
This is a script of a giant leap,
back to the first wine you handed me to sip.


Wait Dot Up Dot
I'm tired of running
Would you stop
To have a drink of cold oranges
I'm tired
Aren't you
Our whole life is about running
to what is unseen
Why don't we walk
While having a nice talk
I'll speak my mind
And you'll speak yours
Isn't it good
Long pause
Wait up
Long pause
Dot dot dot
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Just an ordinary conversation though.
H: What are you doin?M: Streaming How I Met Your Mother.H: Really love the series, don't you?M: I do. I even want to use it as a corpus for my paper.H: Waw. Ckckck.M: What is it with "ckckck"? Is it something bad?H: No, for me "ckckck" is a response for great things.M: Well, for some people, it's not.
H: So really, you have to talk bout linguistic (for your paper)M: "have to"? Nobody says that I have to do it, but I want to.H: I support it.M: But I didn't get your question. Is it not good or something?H: Question? Which question?M: I thought "so really, you have to talk bout linguistic" was a question. *ps. I was literally embarassed.H: LOL. No, it's not.M: I thought you forgot the question mark. Besides, people nowadays rarely put (proper) punctuations on their text *by text, I mean texting or instant messaging. Those stuff.

Sunday, February 27, 2011
The (evergreen) love.

Implicitly said.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Let's make mistake.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011
While I'm blogging.
To love and being loved this way.
Do I need a totem?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011
They seem so real; I am not.

What if we had never asked this?

Monday, January 31, 2011
Leave me alone.

Saturday, January 29, 2011
Music is my private time-machine.

Be better, but please don't change.

Friday, January 28, 2011
I feel you.. not.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Decision, decision.

Monday, January 24, 2011
Hey, open-minded folks.

Sunday, January 23, 2011
Because you're female.

That LOL moment.

Friday, January 21, 2011
Do you really need that Time-Machine? Do you?

Living like a yellow square sponge.

Thursday, January 20, 2011
Live to share, baby. Live to share.

Between a beautiful lie and an ugly truth.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011
My second thoughts.
Just saying ;)
Degree of comparison.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Oh I get this on my brain.
Fact is that I am now lying on my bed while it's almost 3 am. I get this on my brain: What is stalking? Why do you stalk?
Sitting in front of your computer with a window of someone's social network website opened and wasting your precious night doing a so-called observation through photos, notes, anything you can see and probably hear.. hell yeah, it is now considered as stalking.
No, it doesn't matter. Stalking doesn't matter. Despite the fact that it's not a cool stuff to do - trust me, IT IS NOT - stalking doesn't matter. I mean, who cares of you wasting your time doing something harmful for nobody.. but you?
Curiosity kills a cat, and stalking can rip the cat into horrible pieces. Just saying. I'll tell you why.
1st of all, sometimes you stalk because you want to find some facts that, frankly, are unnecessary. You don't need to know; you realize it. It's because you're not ready to handle some ugly truth that will likely ruin your peaceful life.
2nd of all, if you stalk someone whom you consider as "the best enemy", you will, at least unconciously, start comparing yourself with that someone. Telling you, that's terrible. It's terrible because you 100% know the fact that people are born unique with different positive and negative sides.. but then, it doesn't matter. The thing is that you have already put yourself into your own imaginary competition in which you don't wanna lose. Baby, chances are that someone don't really get themselves into your imaginary fighting ring or they probably have another imaginary competition with others.. and yeah, most likely you'll end up fighting alone. And you can't win that kind of competition.
3rd of all, stalking wastes your energy. And time. And that's too obvious.
4th of all, if you stalk someone because of, wait for it, the big J of Jealousy.. you're lost. You're only making room for her, miss J, and the room is getting larger and larger. And soon it will invade your mind and rule you. And you'll be a pathetic green-eyed living creature.
Last but not least, stalking makes the one you stalk a superstar. Blah. Why would you do that?
I remember a scene from How I Met Your Mother: Robin 101. In that scene, Robin found that her boyfriend, Barney, had left his briefcase. Due to some recent suspicious unusual behavior of Barney, Robin was tempted to open the briefcase and look for some evidence. A bestfriend of hers, Lily, told her not to do so by saying, this is my fave quote, "No, stop, stop! Eye contact. Listen to me. Robin Scherbatsky is many things: friend, confidant, occasional guest star in some confusing dreams that remind me a woman's sexuality is a moving target, but she is not crazy jealous stalker bitch!"
Well, Robin still opened the brief anyway. Yeah, in the end she turned into that "crazy jealous stalker bitch".. Or no?
Stalking is probably good. Is probably necessary. Probably. But one thing you should have in mind is that too much information kills. It really does.
And sometimes the only thing you need to do is keeping your eyes and ears shut. Hear less and see less because what you don't know won't hurt you. It's not like being naïve; it probably is; but you're just being picky. You pick which truth you want to handle, the one you know you can handle.
Oh yeah, it's freaking hard.
And now I'm like writing a letter to myself.
Long pause.
Long sigh.